Moving from Protest, to Policy, To Power!

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The Community Action Meeting on September 24, 2020 was a powerful step in our journey toward racial equity and police reform in Fall River and New Bedford. United Interfaith Action (UIA) partnered with the NAACP New Bedford Branch to host officials from our two cities, to begin to share our stories, to tell our truth, and to make commitments to action both within and beyond our cities, as "racism knows no boundaries". Our next steps involve continued engagement with all of our public officials invited to this meeting on these critical issues of public safety and well-being for our entire community.

We are grateful for the conversation that began.
Let's keep it going. 

We would appreciate you taking a few moments to share your reflections on the meetings as well as what would be most meaningful to you going forward. Please click on this form to share your thoughts. Even if you could not join the event, we invite you to visit this form to share how you would like to go further with us.

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Police Reform Priority Areas

1. Community Accountability and Representation

2. Demilitarization & Training

3. Re-Envisioning Policing & Community Alternatives

4. Re-Investing in Our Community

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Steps You Can Take To Move From Protest, To Policy, To Power!

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